Corporate human resource health and physical activation programs: efficiency analysis


PhD K.E. Lukichev1
Dr. Med. E.R. Yashina1
PhD A.V. Generalov1
Dr. Med., Professor P.S. Turzin1
1Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the introduction of the corporate health and physical activation program of the working-age population of the country.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to contribute to the National "Demography" Project and complementary Federal "Forming motivations for healthy lifestyle including healthy diets and immunity to bad habits" Project; make an analysis of the corporate health and physical activation program; and rate their progress and actual benefits for the personnel.
Results and conclusion. The benefits of the corporate health and physical activation program were rated based on standards of the Federal "Forming motivations for healthy lifestyle including healthy diets and immunity to bad habits" Project. The corporate health and physical activation program progress was tested by the personnel health and well-being surveys, labor effectiveness and payroll analyses, wages, morbidity statistics with cost estimates; plus the following corporate progress factors: HR health initiatives; labor inefficiencies due to the sick leaves, staff turnover reductions, labor efficiency analyses, corporate image, etc. We should also emphasize that the benefits of the corporate health and physical activation program may be rated by the program-facilitated improvements in the professional knowledge, skills and healthy lifestyle of the personnel.

Keywords: professional and corporate health, corporate programs, physical activity, results, efficiency, assessment.


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