Building methodological competences in female students of Israeli teacher training college based on their cognitive and motor characteristics


L. Soo1
Dr. Hab., Professor E.N. Medvedeva2
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Izotov3
1Givat Washington College of Education, Israel
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
3Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to specify approaches to the formation of the methodological competence in a physical education teacher at the Israeli teacher training college based on the students' cognitive and motor characteristics.
Methods and structure of the study. A complex of research methods was used to obtain comprehensive and objective information on the problem under consideration: analysis of specialized literature and program documents, interviews, psychological and pedagogical tests, expert evaluation, and educational experiment. The mathematical-statistical data processing was made using the STATGRAPHICS Plus software. Subject to the study were 132 female students of Givat Washington Academic College of Education (Israel).
Results and conclusions. The study found that the first-year female students of the teacher training college were characterized by atypical cognitive features in the perception and processing of the learning material, low levels of pre-university motor activity and theoretical training, difficulties in self-training, which indicated the need to review the approaches to their vocational training. The improvement of the process of formation of methodological competence in future physical education teachers involved the correction of the academic program through a cognitive approach and individualization of the learning process, combined application of pedagogical technologies and associated development of students’ abilities, the possibility to solve functional tasks of a sports teacher at the earliest stages of vocational training, while bridging the gaps in the motor activity

Keywords: professional teacher training, track and field athletics, motor fitness, cognitive and personality-centered approach, methodological competence.


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