Fluid balance and its role in correction of functional state of athletes


PhD, Associate Professor D.D. Dalsky1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Kraev2
E.V. Bolshova1
1National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health n.a. P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg
2General A.V. Khrulev Military Academy for Logistics and Procurement, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of "Prolom" mineral water intake on the functional state of powerlifters.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a battery of laboratory tests. Sampled for the study were 20 powerlifters qualified Candidate Masters and Masters of Sport. The subjects were divided into 2 homogeneous groups: Control and Experimental, 10 athletes each. The Experimental Group subjects were to drink "Prolom" water before the training, during the training, and during the 6-month recovery period, while the Control Group ones drank potable water. A complex of psychophysiological methods was used during the study. We studied the impact of the mineral composition of the water on the physical working capacity of the powerlifters when they reached the aerobic performance indicator in the PWC170 test (modification of V.L. Karpman and Z.B. Belotserkovsky).
Results and conclusions. The data obtained indicated a beneficial effect of "Prolom" water on the indicators of aerobic performance and arterial blood pressure under physical loads. The special mineral composition of the water affected the central regulatory mechanisms, which led to the improvement of cardiac function. The study found that there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in the first psychophysiological study.
The authors conclude that owing to its beneficial effects on the body and lack of negative ones, the proposed methodology can be used as an effective means to increase the physical working capacity and improve the functional state of elite athletes.

Keywords: athletes, physical load, functional state, fluid balance.


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