Transformation in human resource training within educational system of Russia


Dr. Hab., Professor V.F. Kostyuchenko1
PhD, Professor V.D. Zverev1
D.A. Vasiliev2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to substantiate the ways to optimize vocational training in the physical education and sports sector.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a retrospective analysis of domestic experience in vocational training and a multi-year educational experiment in natural educational environments.
Results and conclusions. Among the factors that limit the realization of the potential of physical education is insufficiently developed communication skills of college graduates. Physical culture and sports university graduates must be prepared to promote among the population a positive attitude towards physical education by understanding causal relationships between the optimal motor mode, healthy way of life, and functional level of life-support systems and, as a result, immune status of the body, i.e. health.
It is necessary to adapt theoretical disciplines (especially those related to the biomedical specialty) to the conditions of physical education and sports activities.
The introduction into the specialist training course of a discipline that would integrate the knowledge base of individual disciplines and form a holistic view of the profession is becoming particularly relevant, so is the use of advanced equipment and actual instrumentation.

Keywords: physical education and sports sector specialist, professiogram, communicative component of professiogram, physical education and sports sector specialist training.


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