Conditions for increasing effectiveness of public administration in academic physical education


A.V. Sergeev
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the necessary conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the public administration in the field of physical education of Russian students.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a structural-functional analysis of the current physical education system of the Russian Federation that made it possible to develop a cybernetic model of public administration in the field of physical education of Russian students; analysis of the available scientific data and key characteristics of the administrative process under consideration: continuity of the original purpose at different levels of physical education and provision of the feedback mechanism.
Results and conclusions. The author proposes a cybernetic model of public administration in the field of physical education of students of the Russian Federation. It addresses the two key components of any administrative process: purpose and feedback. The analysis of the expert survey results and current practice of physical education of Russian students revealed a correlation between the physical training goals at the country and university levels. The ways to organize feedback during public administration in the field of physical education of students were determined through a critical analysis of the process of evaluation of the state policy in this sector, in particular, in the selection of its quality indicators. It was concluded that a range of measures is needed to improve public administration in the field of physical education of students and increase the efficiency of the appropriate state policy. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure that the physical education goals pursued by the state and university physical education teachers are in harmony. Secondly, there is a need to develop up-to-date integrated indicators of effective physical education model implementation at universities, along with an appropriate methodology for their evaluation. Finally, it is required to conduct regular monitoring according to the developed indicators and methodology.

Keywords: academic physical education, physical education, public administration, state policy.


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