Physical education to build professional competency of future mine-rescuers


PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Dubrovskaya1
Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Rudenko1
PhD L.V. Pikhkonen2
1Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg
2Training center "MAEB", St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to substantiate the necessity to introduce in the applied professional physical training course for students majoring in "Mining", specialization "Mining Process Safety and Mine Rescue", special physical exercises.
Methods and structure of the study.  The experiment was run on the basis of the Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia from 2013 through 2018. Testing of the physical training technique showed that in the development of special exercises to reinforce the necessary professional skills of a mine-rescuer, emphasis should be placed on the formation of such professionally important physical qualities as speed, agility, endurance, the inclusion of psychological exercises to overcome the fear of heights (acrophobia), fear of being locked in (claustrophobia) and fear of the dark (scotophobia), as well as coordination exercises and exercises to improve applied motor skills.
Results and conclusions. The six-year experiment showed that physical training of mine-rescuers should be of applicable nature and take into account the specific nature of the future profession. The regular and systematic work within the framework of the applied professional physical training of the mine-rescuers contributed to the development of the professionally important physical qualities of future mine-rescuers, improvement of their functional capacities and health. The findings confirmed the importance of the chosen methodology and developed programs of applied professional physical training of the mine-rescuers that enabled them to faster translate their professional commitments into action.

Keywords: applied professional physical training, physical exercises, mine-rescuer, crossfit, mine rescue unit, mine rescue brigade.


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