Pedagogical management structure in terms of sportization of physical education at technical universities


O.V. Kostromin1
Y.I. Novitsky1
S.A. Yakovlev1
1Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze the collaborative activities of the university physical education departments and sports clubs to define and structure the system of pedagogical management in terms of sportization of physical education.
Methods and structure of the study. The methodological basis of the study was formed by the theoretical approaches to the management of pedagogical systems.
Results and conclusions. Proceeding from the analysis of the collaborative activity of the Physical Education Department and sports club, we structured the system of pedagogical management in terms of sportization of physical education at the technical university. The system-forming component of the pedagogical system was its goal: to instill personal physical culture in the students. The controlling components were the sports club and Physical Education Department. These components were linked by cooperation in the management area. The manageable components of the system were: the interacting and interdependent personalities of a teacher and a student of the technical university; the pedagogical management component consisting of the elements that ensure the system development and movement towards results; the content-related component of the system, which explains the structure and content of the pedagogical process; the operational and activity (technological) component representing the organizational forms, means and methods of sports training that contribute to learning, psychophysical development, promotion of health and education of the university students. The performance component that determines to which extent the system has achieved the intended result.

Keywords: sportization, pedagogical management, system components, technical university students.


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