Study of stress and coping in sports at Perm psychological school: history and modernity


PhD, Associate Professor, S.A. Vasyura1
Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Iogolevich2
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
2Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation

Objective of the study the paper presents an analysis of theoretical and experimental research by Bronislav Alexandrovich Vyatkin who is one of the founders of Russian differential sports psychology, the head of the Perm Scientific Psychological School.
Methods and structure of the study. Developing the ideas of the outstanding Russian psychologist V. S. Merlin, in the 1970s, the scientist organized a research group that studied mental stress in sports and human individuality manifestations in sports activities. At this time, he was interested in issues of temperament and competitive stress, the role of temperament in the stress influence on various sports activity manifestations – musculoskeletal feeling, volitional activity, interpersonal relationships in collective game activity.
Results and conclusions. The central direction of B. A. Vyatkin's research in the field of sports psychology is the person's individuality manifestation in the sports activity conditions. The article pays special attention to the mental stress concept developed by B. A. Vyatkin as an integral system phenomenon, as well as to the rationale for the process of preparing a person for activity in extreme sports activity conditions. At present, Bronislav Alexandrovich continues systematic research in the field of sports psychology, coping with mental stress in sports competitions. Currently, the scientist is exploring the coping style from the perspective of a polysystem approach: style acts as a system-forming factor of the integral individuality of a person involved in it, at the same time, integral personality acts as a system-forming factor in relation to style. Another line of B. A. Vyatkin’s research is the interaction of sports activities subjects "athlete-trainer-psychologist", the integration of the triad subjects’ activities allows you to develop a trajectory of the athlete’s individual development.

Keywords: sports, stress, athlete, individuality, sports activities, coping.


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