Individual somatotes versus motor skills profiling study of 10-16 year-old handball players grouped by game positions


Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.N. Komissarova2
1Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Saint Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze the age- and somatotype-specific motor skills progress of teenage handball players by their game roles.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the longitudinal study the 10-16 years-old male handball players (n=46) with the 7-minus-year sports experiences. We used R.N. Dorokhov (1991) anthropometric test method with a computerized somatotyping capacity; finger dermatoglyphics (patterning) method to obtain delta index (DL10), ridge count (RC); ridge count to DL10 ratio (RC/ DL10); standard clinical physiological test methods; bioimpedance tests using "Diamant-AIST" Body Composition Analyzer; and traditional motor skills test methods.
Results and conclusion. Based on the prior tests, the sample was provisionally split up into midfielders and wingers groups. We used the Dorokhov (1991) somatotyping test to group the 10-13 year-old midfielders with mostly macrosomatic type (74-82%); and the 14-15 year-old midfielders with mostly mesosomatic type (43-62%). The 10-13 year-old wingers were classified with macrosomatic, mesosomatic and micromesosomatic types, with their percentages virtually equal; whilst the 14-16 year-old midfielders were mostly grouped with the micromesosomatic type (53.8-85%) followed by mesosomatic type (15.4-46%). It should be mentioned that a somatotype formation in ontogenesis is dominated by multidirectional changes in body length and mass for this age groups.

Keywords: somatotype, game position, age of motor qualities formation.


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