Adaptive physical education of children with intellectual impairments based on «Junior athletes» program


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Parfenova1
A.R. Akhmerov1
S.M. Khasanova1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical culture, sport and tourism, Kazan

Keywords: Special Olympics, features of intellectual development, adaptive physical education, "Young athletes".

Introduction. The largest share of children of early and preschool age do not attend preschool educational organizations and lekoteka, are brought up in home conditions that do not allow to effectively organize motor leisure and rehabilitation activities. Parents do not have special physical education and development knowledge, tools and methods. It is obvious that unique opportunities for correcting existing disorders in the early stages of the ontogenesis of a growing organism are being missed.
The aim of the research is to develop a model for managing the development of adaptive physical education for children of early and preschool age with intellectual disabilities.
The results of the research and their discussion. An analytical literature review and our own empirical practice in the framework of the problem under study led us to the unique experience of the Special Olympics program "Young Athletes" (the target audience is children – from 2 to 7-8 years old), which we decided to modify and adapt to Russian conditions. The program focuses on entertaining physical activity, which is important for the mental and physical growth of a special child. According to SOI, two-month participation in this program for children aged 2-3 years (146,971 children from 179 countries) allows you to achieve a 7-month increase in motor skills. At the same time, 91% of the parents of these children found hope in the future of their child.
Conclusion. The developed model, based on the principle of inclusion, involves the definition of effective mechanisms for managing the processes of introduction and application of new forms and methods of education and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities in order to ensure their social adaptation and successful integration into society.


  1. Parfenova L. A. Inclusive technologies of physical culture and sports activity of students with intellectual disabilities / L. A. Parfenova, E. A. Gerasimov / / Theory and Practice of Physics. cultures. - 2019. - No. 1. - p. 13.