Health and fitness activities to cultivate health values in future teachers


Dr. Hab., Professor M.A. Yakunchev1
Dr. Hab., Professor L.P. Karpushina1
Postgraduate O.N. Karabanova1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk

Objective of the study was to identify the directions of the health values building process for future teachers through health and fitness activities.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev. The methods applied in the study involved theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis, observation, comparison and synthesis.
Results and conclusions. According to the authors, among the main directions of solving the problem of cultivation of health values in future teachers through health and fitness activities are:
future teachers should have a good knowledge of the human body, factors influencing man’s physical state, health values, as well as be able to understand the state of their own and other people’s health;
a national culture of health should be fully implemented at the university level. It is necessary to include in the learning material information and facts about the characteristics of a healthy person in the culture of different ethnic groups;
to optimize the process of health values cultivation, it is important for future teachers to base themselves on the following postulates: understanding human health values, understanding the role of health from the standpoint of their own benefit, the benefit for the family, society, and production of healthy offsprings, etc.
it is important to implement health-saving projects that involve cognitive, communicative, value-orientation, transformative, practice-oriented pedagogical activities.
The authors conclude that the process of values formation in future teachers through health and fitness activities should be based on the knowledge of biological, socio-economic, ethical, and aesthetic health values that ensures a high level of social, labor, and physical activity.

Keywords: health values, future teachers, healthy lifestyle, health and fitness activities.


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