Effects of stressors on punching biomechanics in boxing


R.V. Bestinov1
PhD, Associate Professor K.S. Kolodeznikov1
A.A. Mikhailov1
1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to analyze variations in the boxing punching technique biomechanics under different stressors.
Methods and structure of the study. The study and experiments were run at the Physical Education and Sports Institute of North-Eastern Federal University. We sampled for the study highly-skilled boxers (n=25, including 2 2 males and 3 females) aged 22 years and weighing in 57 kg on average with the following sport qualifications: 1 WCMS, 10 MS and 14 CMS. In the stress training, the sample made 20 punches per min (60 punches for 3 min) in a combat stance by the lead arm to the head area with 1-kg dumbbell on day 1 and 2-kg dumbbell on day 2. Post-stress tests were run on the next day upon the stress trainings. We used Qualisys Medical optoelectronic computerized tests system and a set of infrared cameras to fix the 3D punching technique biomechanics, with the test data processed by Qualisys Track Manager (QTM) software toolkit.
Results and conclusions. Based on the study data and analyses, we would recommend punching technique training with varied weights, with the 1-kg dumbbells most beneficial for the maximal punching speed trainings of 52-57 kg boxers. The varied-weight punching technique excellence trainings prudently customized to the boxer’s weight class and actual physical fitness may be beneficial for progress as verified by the tests.

Keywords: punch biomechanics, punching technique, stress factors, stress tolerance, motor skill, boxing


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