Formation of students’ personal physical culture in digital socio-cultural environment


PhD, Associate Professor D.Yu. Narkhov1
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Narkhova1
Master's student E.S. Kirillov1
Master's student L.V. Mishin1
Master's student S.A. Yarutina1
1Ural Federal University
2Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to assess the level of representation in the digital socio-cultural environment of the potential facilitating the formation of personal physical culture in the student community of the Sverdlovsk region through their engagement in sports sections.
Methods and structure of the study. The main research method was a content analysis of the university websites, groups of universities and profile student communities in the social network service "VKontakte". The basic indicators, sports disciplines and forms of participation of students that are being developed at universities are large and small groups, individual extracurricular activities. Gender and age were not taken into account. The universities were selected based on the number of students and the form of ownership. Higher educational institutions providing law enforcement personnel training were excluded. A total of 18 state and private civilian organizations were surveyed.
Results and conclusions. The content analysis revealed significant variance in the potential facilitating the formation of personal physical culture in students, both geographically and contextually. It is shown that student sport is to a large extent a socio-cultural phenomenon of the metropolis, the real state of which exceeds its digital reflection. It is concluded that there is a need to narrow this gap due to the high value of virtual space content to the modern digital student community.

Keywords: student community, socio-cultural potential, resource, physical culture, digital community.


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