Differentiated approach to build key motor-coordination qualities in junior footballers


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.I. Kostyunina1
Postgraduate Dugufana Bagayoko1
Postgraduate D.S. Nikolaev1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to test theoretical and practical design and benefits of a customizable movement coordination skills training model for the 8-10 year old football players individualized for their nervous system types.
Methods and structure of the study. The new customizable movement coordination skills training model testing experiment was run at Volga Olympic Sports Reserve School of named after N.P. Starostin in Ulyanovsk in 2018-2019. We sampled the 1-2-year 8-10 years-old footballers (n=31) and spit them up into Experimental Group (n=16) and Control Group (n=15). The Control Group training was traditional for the Olympic Sports Reserve School, and the Experimental Group training system was complemented by the new customizable movement coordination skills training model with account of the individual nervous system types.
Results and conclusions. The study was designed to first classify the sample by the muscular and mental activity regulation types into the provisionally weak/ strong nervous system types. The nervous-system-type-specific group trainings were geared to test benefits of a customizable movement coordination skills training model on a nervous-system-type-specific basis. The new model was tested beneficial for the movement coordination skills trainings of the junior footballers as the pre- versus post-experimental tests showed meaningful progress of the Experimental Group versus Control Group in every traditional physical fitness and special movement coordination skills / motor skills test.

Keywords: customizable training model, nervous system type, movement coordination skills, junior footballers.


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