Functional reserves of external respiration system and overall physical working capacity of student


Dr.Med., Professor Yu.V. Bobrik1
Dr.Med., Professor A.L. Korepanov2
1Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
2Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol

Objective of the study was to determine the ways to increase the functional reserves of the external respiration system and overall physical working capacity by means of intense dynamic exercises of different sports orientations.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 146 male students aged 16-25 years, including 113 athletes of different sports specializations and qualifications (long-distance runners and sprinters, swimmers, weightlifters) and 33 non-sporting students. The following methods were applied for the study purposes: PWC170 cycle ergometer test - to assess the subjects’ overall physical working capacity; "Cardio+" diagnostic automated complex (Russia) – to measure their heart rate (HR); expiratory pneumotonometry (mmHg) – to evaluate the functional reserves of the external respiration system and respiratory muscle strength; inspiratory and expiratory pneumotachometry (l/s), spirography – to determine the vital capacity (VC). Mercury pneumotonometer and "Spiro-Test PC" (Russia) device with the computer data processing were used. We also determined the birth-death ratio in the subjects as the ratio of VC to the body mass.
Results and conclusions. The data obtained showed that the functional reserves of the external respiration system and overall physical working capacity rates in the student increased significantly under the cyclic (aerobic) training loads - running and swimming. At the same time, swimming practices have a more pronounced positive effect on the increase of the functional reserves of the respiratory system. The findings can be used in sports physiology, physical rehabilitation, and sports medicine.

Keywords: students, athletes, functional reserves of the respiratory system, physical working capacity.


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