Psycho-social characteristics of retired elite hockey players


Dr.Med, Associate Рrofessor Yu.K. Rodygina1
Dr.Med, Рrofessor A.A. Potapchuk1
Dr.Med, Рrofessor S.V. Matveev1
1FSBEI HE “Academician I.P. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University” of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify the psycho-social characteristics of elite hockey players in the post-career period to develop recommendations for the prevention of destructive social manifestations and early retirement of elite athletes from professional sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 20 elite hockey players who had played in various professional hockey clubs (KHL, NHL) and at the time of the study had completed their sports careers. They made up the Experimental Group. The Control Group (CG) was made of 20 males not related to professional sports. Standardized psychological techniques were used during the ascertaining experiment.
Results and conclusions. The experiment made it possible to identify a certain psychological type of the elite hockey players was identified, with their biological age exceeding the chronological one by an average of 10 years (p<0.05); difficulties with social functioning encountered by the professional hockey players in the post-career period. The "SF-36 Health Status Survey" method was applied for this purpose. The major problems encountered by elite hockey players are associated with social functioning - 50.3% of 100%, namely with the restriction of social activity (communication).

Keywords: psycho-social characteristics of elite hockey players, post-career period, life quality, biological age, psychological type.


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