Personal reflection development in adolescents engaged in combat sports


PhD, Professor M.G. Kolodeznikova1
Z.N. Cherkashin1
T.A. Mikhailova1
1North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to identify the patterns of development of personal reflection in adolescent combat athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out in the Children and Youth Sports School of Yakutsk in the combat sports groups (boxing, freestyle wrestling, judo, taekwondo, kickboxing) and involved a total of 80 trainees. The following methods were applied to analyze the adolescent combat athletes’ personal reflection: observation, interview, and questionnaire survey.
Based on the questionnaire survey results, we elaborated a personal reflection development program that was implemented in a system of body-oriented psychotherapy and physical exercises during the training sessions. As part of the experiment, we conducted group discussions, mini-lectures, games accompanied with a lot of physical activity, organized work in pairs and triples, formed the trainees’ motor skills. Particular attention was paid to the formation of awareness of individual physical sensations, conscious self-control to develop reasonable self-esteem using the practical skills of body self-regulation and self-control, as well as awareness of different components of personal reflection.
Results and conclusions. The personal reflection development program was proved beneficial for the adolescents engaged in combat sports. They were found to have developed a much better understanding of their physical condition and body characteristics after the training sessions. The level of development of their volitional qualities increased significantly.
The psychological conditions and prerequisites for the development in the athletes of personal reflection can be successfully established in a system of specially organized body-oriented trainings and exercises performed during the training sessions.

Keywords: personal reflection, adolescent, psychological conditions, combat sports, self-knowledge.


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