Attitude of physical education university students to vocational education


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Shukaeva
1Smolensk State Academy of Physical culture, sport and tourism, Smolensk

Keywords: professional education, student survey, organization of the educational process at the university.

Introduction. The current practice of professional education does not reflect modern educational concepts that are aimed at effectively educating the ethical and cultural characteristics of the individual, its potential, professional orientation to the improvement and self-improvement of the future specialist (K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, L. I. Lubysheva).
The purpose of the study is to determine the attitude of students of a physical education university to the sports and pedagogical education they receive.
Methodology and organization of the study. In the course of the study, 130 students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Faculty of "Physical Culture and Sport" of the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (SGAFKST) were surveyed.
The results of the study and their discussion. Slightly more than half of the respondents (57.5%) are not sure that they will work in their specialty, 32.5% of respondents are sure that they will work in their specialty; 5% of students regret that they chose this specialty, and 5% of respondents are also undecided. To the question: "Why did you choose this particular university?", the majority said that there is a good quality of education (40%) and a sufficient number of budget places (20%), but 15% of students found it difficult to answer. These results once again confirm the fact that school leavers do not always make the right professional choice. With regard to the organization of the educational process at the university, the majority of students (88%) are satisfied with the duration of classes in terms of time, the forms of organization of the educational process and the methods of presenting material (67.5%). The vast majority of students (85%) highly appreciated the conditions available at the university for training classes in IVS. Also, slightly less than half of the respondents (47.5%) believe that the university has good conditions for scientific creativity. This determines a sufficient level of development of pedagogical conditions for sports activities and scientific creativity of students at the university. In the current situation, it is important for us to form the nature of these conditions, which contributes to the motivation to receive sports and pedagogical education. In our opinion, these conditions should ensure: taking into account the individual characteristics of specific subjects and their predisposition to subsequent training; implementation of a systematic approach in education; activation of mental activity; formation of positive motivations, dynamics of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.
Conclusion. To strengthen the sports and pedagogical orientation of students, it is necessary to strengthen the influence of professionally oriented pedagogical conditions in the educational process: the development of positive motivation for the formation of the foundations of professional culture; the revision of the student's subjective position in the pedagogical process of the university; the defense of moral choice, the willingness to take responsibility for the decision.


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