Сomputer technology in school physical education


Dr.Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor O.F. Zhukov1
1Institute of Developmental Physiology, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: computer technologies, schoolchildren, physical education, health and educational tasks.

Introduction. Informatization of physical education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely implement them in the learning process and improve the health of students. At the same time, the effectiveness of computerization of training depends both on the quality of the software products used, and on the ability to use them rationally in the educational process.
The purpose of the research is to develop computer technologies intended for use in the physical education of schoolchildren.
Research methodology and organization: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, algorithmization, anthropometry, control tests, methods of mathematical statistics, computer programming.
The results of the study and their discussion. Computer technologies (CT) used in the physical education of schoolchildren can be divided into two groups: CT for solving health problems and CT for solving educational problems and managing the physical education of schoolchildren.
We have developed and implemented a fairly large number of CT scans that contribute to the solution of health problems [1]. CT data allow monitoring and analyzing the physical condition of students, offering recommendations for the rational organization of their motor activity, taking into account the level of physical fitness, age, gender, individual and typological characteristics of students. These include the following software products: a program for evaluating and correcting the morphofunctional development of schoolchildren; a program for evaluating and correcting the physical fitness of students; the program for the assessment and correction of the physical health of schoolchildren; the program "Monitoring the health of schoolchildren"; the hardware and software complex "Light action", which contributes to the assessment of physical performance and the development of physical qualities, etc.
Among the CT that contribute to the solution of educational tasks, it is possible to include an automated workplace of a physical education teacher, which allows you to make an annual schedule of the educational process in physical education, a thematic (working) plan for a quarter, plans-summaries of a lesson in physical culture, as well as monitor the level of knowledge of students in this academic subject and monitor changes in the physical condition of students.
Conclusion. In connection with the recent use of elements of distance learning in educational institutions, there is a need to develop new CT that can work online both at the individual and group level, to form databases on theoretical knowledge, the physical condition of students.


  1. Levushkin S. P. Assessment of the physical condition of schoolchildren using computer technologies / S. P. Levushkin // Theory and practice of physics. cultures. -2002. - No. 1. - pp. 60-63.