Integration as basis of multi-level training system of sports university students


Dr. Hab., Professor A.Ya. Nain1
Dr. Hab., Professor L.A. Lipskaya1
Dr. Hab., Professor O.L. Karpova1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.A. Nain1
1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was to develop a concept of multi-level training of sports university students based on an integrative development approach.
Methods and structure of the study. The integrative development approach that served as a methodological basis of the study was tested at the premises of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ural State University of Physical Culture from 2015 to 2020. As a result, the basic principle of integration as a basis of multi-level training of sports university students was effectively proved. A set of theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific works on the issue; analysis of the concentration programs, curricula, work programs) and empirical methods (survey, observation, testing, educational experiment) were used for the study purposes.
Results and conclusions. The pedagogical concept of multi-level training of sports university students based on the implementation of the provisions and principles of the complementary competency-building and culturological paradigms, which guide future workers in the field of physical education and sports to promote physical and social activities among children and young people, a healthy and culture-congruent way of life in their indivisible unity. The combination of the mentioned conceptual ideas is possible and can be effective through a clearly innovative integrative development approach. The continuity of the socio-humanitarian training of students includes not only the continuity of the educational process but also a certain correlation in the formation of universal and professional competences at various levels of training, with due regard to the professional orientation of the social and philosophical disciplines, which is reflected in the work programs and evaluation tools.
The effective implementation of the multi-level training concept is ensured by the identified pedagogical conditions for integration: a) intensification of the self-training activities of students during the integrated classes; b) diagnostic tools for assessing the level of development of competences at all stages and levels of physical training; c) use of the integrative potential of physical education through advanced education.

Keywords: integrative development approach, integration of socio-humanitarian training, interdisciplinary, multi-level training, culturological and competency-building paradigm, universal and professional competences.


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