Statistics on tactical-tactical actions in football (case study of wyscout platform)


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.A. Polozov1
Postgraduate student A.V. Rolis1
Postgraduate student M.V. Kraev1
1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to conduct a correlation analysis to substantiate the independence of evaluation of the game outcome from the increase in the number of registered tactical-technical actions of football players.
Methods and structure of the study. A total of 140 games of the leading championships were analyzed: England, Germany, Spain, Russia, France, and Italy. For each game, the Wyscout report on tactical-technical actions was studied and the total number of tactical-technical actions was calculated. The advantage in tactical-technical actions was assessed by the difference in the total number of tactical-technical actions of both teams. The assessment through the Wyscout Platform involves tactical-technical actions as such and various aggregations that are formed from the correlating characteristics.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of 140 games of the English Premier League, Primera, and Russian Premier League of the 2019/2020 season revealed a negative correlation between the total number of tactical-technical actions and game outcome (r=-0.06). Today, there are at least 10 platforms that count tactical-technical actions in top-level team games. The commercialization of this line of work led to the desire to inflate the amount of tactical-technical actions calculated at the cost of losing the connection between the tactical-technical actions advantage and the game outcome. The authors have previously shown that with the minimum number of factors, the regression equation has the best agreement with the results of the football matches if non-correlating characteristics are taken into account. The negative correlation of the number of tactical-technical actions with the game outcome exhausts the theme of tactical-technical actions, creates a prerequisite for the transition to the game scoring through technical-tactical martial arts, assessed by their cost - impact on the match outcome.

Keywords: technical-tactical actions, football, outcome.


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