Digital academic physical education environment


PhD, Associate Professor N.Yu. Surova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.N. Shutova1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko1
A.G. Rostevanov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the ways to develop the digital physical education environment at university.
Methods and structure of the study. The article analyses the online educational (eLearning) platforms and publications, online courses, mobile applications, databases, and computer diagnostic methods used in the physical education and sports sector. The study was carried out at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The university students were surveyed to determine their attitudes towards the types and forms of distance learning.
Results of the study and conclusions. The best practices in the use of online resources at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics show that they mainly include social networks and libraries («Elibrary», «Googlesholar», «Linkedin», «Researcherid», «Scopus»), modern platforms («Zoom», «Webinar», «Moodle», «Stepik», «Moolmc», «Open Education»), pedagogical portals (the most popular in our opinion are «Internet-community of teachers», «Tolyatti wiki-portal»).
According to the survey results the information component of physical education needs to be updated (thus, 45% of students favored the assimilation of mobile health and fitness applications) and digital services for communication with teachers should be improved (as noted by 36.7% of students).
The effectiveness of the academic digital physical education environment is influenced by such electronic services as: electronic journals, Google forms, websites for electronic registration at sports events, social networks, online courses, «Webinar» system, electronic scientific libraries, video materials of sports clubs, video lessons, specialized mobile applications.

Keywords: information platforms, socio-cultural development of society, students, physical education, online courses, digitalization.


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