Effectiveness of point-rating system for university physical education monitoring based on project-oriented platform


Dr. Hab., Professor V.I. Grigoriev1
PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Piskun2
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Vasilieva2
V.N. Volkov2
1Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint Petersburg
2Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to improve the operational stability of the point-rating system for the university physical education monitoring by synchronizing the information processes within the framework of the project-oriented platform.
Methods and structure of the study. Using the point-rating control tools, we conducted a comparative analysis of the parameters characterizing the dynamics of changes in the physical fitness rates of 560 first-year students, young males and females aged 18.6-0.5 years, who were trained in the preparatory and special health groups and the group for those with health limitations.
Results and conclusions. At the first stage of the study, a project-oriented platform was synthesized, the feedback control signals from which have a data-dependent structure of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++. The feedback information channel was used as a regulator of the parameters characterizing the level of development of competences, the bodily development indicators, and the size of physical load. There was a linear correlation of the average daily activity level, energy consumption and total metabolism rates with the PWC170 and vital capacity rates, results in such tests as 100 m, 500 m and 1000 m run, 50 m swimming, standing long jump, and pull-ups on the crossbar from the hanging position. At the second stage, we assessed the effectiveness of the project-oriented platform in managing the dynamics of changes in the students’ physical fitness rates. The implementation of the platform’s structural and reorganization functions increases the operational stability of the point-rating system. We proved the efficiency of information synchronization in the blockchain nodes that record the dynamics of changes in the motor activity, body conditions, and students’ competences at the control points of the point-rating system.
The implementation of the point-rating system blockchain functions ensures the diversification of the means of elective physical education, realization of the functions of control over the morphofunctional restructuring achieved at short intervals. The evaluation of the latent links between the goals, objectives and means of elective physical education improves the basic characteristics of the point-rating control system.

Keywords: control points, latency, accumulative rating, project-oriented environment, synchronization.


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