Content of physical education of economics university students with health deviations


PhD, Associate Professor T.E. Simina1
D.A.O. Farzaliev1
V.A. Proshkina1
PhD A.L. Yurchenko2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the physical education model in application to students with health deviations.
Methods and structure of the study. Subject to the study were the first-year students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow) attributed to the special health group (n=40). The Experimental Group subjects were trained in accordance with the developed methodology using the information and communication technologies and digital technologies, while the Control Group subjects – in accordance with the university physical education program for special health group students.
Results of the study and conclusions. The MS FIT tests showed that the functionality rates increased significantly in the Experimental Group rather than in the Control Group: the endurance rates improved from 5.85 to 8.13 points and from 5.88 to 6.90 points in the Experimental and Control Group respectively. A positive dynamics was observed in the Experimental Group in the functionality of the regions of the spine– from 5.43 to 9.25 points. When comparing the physical fitness rate of the Experimental and Control Group students, we observed significant improvements in all the control exercises.
The practical implementation of the physical education model for special health group students contributed to the improvement of the functional capabilities and physical qualities of the Experimental Group students, gain in their health, and successful social adaptation in the educational environment of the university.

Keywords: students with health deviations, physical education, adaptive physical education environment, modeling.


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