Motives of civil engineering university students for physical education and sports activities


Postgraduate A.G. Karpushkin1
PhD N.V. Andrianova1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Objective of the present study was to identify the main motives for physical education and sports activities of civil engineering university students.
Methods and structure of the study. A questionnaire survey form offered 17 questions and 89 possible answers to determine the extent of need of civil engineering university students for physical education and sports activities. The questionnaire was conducted among 208 1st-3rd-year students of the State Budget Professional Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Voskresensk Construction College" majoring in civil engineering disciplines.
Results of the study and discussion. The study revealed that the leading motives for physical education and sports activities are as follows: the desire to build up the body (19.2%), improve health (16.8%), improve mood, well-being (15.9%), communicate with friends and fellow-students during the classes (13.9%), acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in applied professional physical training (3.4%).
The authors determined that physical education classes increase students' interest in and need for physical education and sports activities. A positive effect of physical education will be achieved given that sports activities are regular.

Keywords: questionnaire survey, physical education, students, applied professional physical training.


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