Modified approach to design of training process of junior sambo wrestlers based on sports training block periodization principle


G.S. Maltsev
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the present study was to apply a modified approach to the design of the process of training of junior sambo wrestlers based on the principle block periodization of sports training.
Methods and structure of the study. The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and practical experience enabled to apply a modified approach to the design of the process of training of junior sambo wrestlers based on the principle of block periodization of sports training. The study was conducted at the premises of Municipal Budgetary Institution Sports Club "Judo and Sambo", Tchaikovsky. The educational experiment was carried out during the one-year cycle of training of sambo wrestlers - from March 2019 to February 2020. Sampled for the experiment were 20 junior sambo wrestlers qualified CMS and MS.
Results of the study and conclusions. The modified approach implied the division of the annual training cycle into stages ending in competitions of different significance. Each stage was designed on the basis of a conjugate-sequential form of organization of sports training with due regard to the duration of the residual training effects on different qualities of sambo wrestlers, within three mesocyclic blocks: accumulative, transformative, and implementable. Moreover, two types of one-week model micro-cycles were developed: a basic shock (aimed to concentrate on the development of the basic qualities of sambo wrestlers: aerobic endurance and maximum strength) and a special shock (containing large amounts of technical and tactical and special physical training: speed-strength abilities and strength endurance) ones. This multi-peak design of sports training can help solve the problem of participation of junior sambo wrestlers in many competitions of the annual cycle.

Keywords: training process design, mesocyclic unit, model microcycle, block periodization, sambo, sambo wrestlers.


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