Choreographic tools at beginner training stage in fitness aerobics


PhD, Associate Professor M.L. Shtoda1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Esaulov1
1National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow

Keywords: means of choreography, classical dance, fitness aerobics, initial stage of training.

Introduction. Fitness aerobics has now been singled out as an independent sport, which has actualized the search for new solutions in all types of fitness: physical, technical, choreographic.
The aim of the study is to substantiate the means of choreography based on elements of classical dance in the structure of a fitness aerobics training session.
Methodology and organization of research. In the course of the study, a set of exercises was developed that includes elements of classical dance, taking into account the mandatory movements of the competitive composition of fitness aerobics. The following elements of classical dance were used in the training sessions: plie, battements, ronds de jambe par terre, grand battements tendu. As soon as the athletes learned to perform choreographic elements at the machine, in the same sequence, the performance of the elements was transferred to the middle of the hall. each element of the classical dance was performed by athletes in combination with the main positions of the hands.
The results of the study and their discussion. The developed complex had a standard structure of a training session and included three parts: preparatory, main and final. At the beginning of the training session, a variety of warm-up exercises, low-intensity fitness aerobics steps were used in the preparatory part, that is, those that are performed without lifting the leg from the floor, such as side, variable and cross. In the preparatory part, the athletes performed elements of choreography at the machine [1]. The main part included high-intensity basic steps and competitive elements of fitness aerobics, as well as elements of choreography in the middle of the hall. The final part is a summary of the training session, exercises and games for stretching, relaxation and attention, elements of por de bras.
Conclusion. In the process of building training sessions in fitness aerobics, it is recommended to use choreography tools based on classical dance, especially for children's athletes.


  1. Parmuzin Yu dance training in techno-aesthetic sports: teaching method. manual on the chosen sport for students of physical culture universities / Yu. V. Parmuzina, E. P. Spravnova, E. P. Gorbaneva, N. V. Parmuzina-Volgograd: FGBOU VO "VGAFK", 2019. - 55 p.