Factors of professional self-determination in students majoring in adaptive physical education


PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Sitdikova1
A.G. Cherenshchikov1
N.A. Tsukhlov1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan

Keywords: professional self-determination, students, direction of training, adaptive physical culture (afc).

Introduction. the successful professionalization of a future afc specialist, of course, depends on the correctness of its initial orientation to the chosen type of work [1].
The aim of the study is to identify the factors of professional self-determination of students of the training direction "Adaptive physical culture" on the basis of sociological analysis.
Methodology and organization of the study. 91 people took part in the survey. students of the 1st year were offered 16 questions concerning the reasons and motives for choosing a future profession. a number of questions related to the informants ' professional experience in the field of afc.
The results of the study and their discussion. Analysis of the results of sociological research showed that in determining the educational institution (up to 3 answers from a list offered) respondents focused on the presence of the University necessary for their field of study (highest number of responses), the high quality of training, level of preparedness and qualification of teachers (2nd place), the reputation of the institution (3rd place). At the same time, 86 people (94.5 %) expressed confidence in a conscious choice of profession, one student answered this question negatively. mostly (74 people) decided on their future profession, 12 students were helped by their parents. the most significant factors in determining the future specialty (up to 3 responses) were identified by informants as "an opportunity to bring more benefit to society" (1st place-67 people), "compliance of the profession with personal qualities and abilities" (2nd place-49 people), 32 people are confident in obtaining a high income and 31 – in prestige. Among the professionally necessary personal qualities, future specialists in the field of AFK identified themselves (individual answers): kindness, empathy, purposefulness, responsiveness, sociability and a number of others. A third of the informants (31 people) already have experience in the professional field.
Conclusion. The results of the survey made it possible to get an idea of the composition and characteristics of the contingent of first-year students, to determine the factors of professional self-determination of students, to outline a promising vector of career guidance work with potential applicants of the AFC department.


  1. Gilmutdinova r. i. formation of professional competencies of students in the process of implementing grant projects / r. i. gilmutdinova, l. a. parfenova // theory and Practice of physics. culture. - 2018. - no. 11. - p. 5.