Excelling kick technique teaching process in taekwondo based on display of motor symmetry


PhD, Associate Professor B.G. Manshin1
PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Banku1
PhD, Associate Professor T.N. Vlasenko1
O.S. Krutskikh1
1Branch of Far Eastern Federal University in Ussuriisk (School of Pedagogy)

Objective of the study was to improve the efficiency of the kick technique teaching process in taekwondo by eliminating motor asymmetry at the initial training stage.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 27 young athletes aged 9-10 years (boys) trained on the base of the Taekwondo Federation in Ussuriysk. The methods applied during the experiment were: testing, instrumental analysis, and mathematical statistics methods. The SiliconCoachPRO-6 software application was used to detect the kinematic changes in the kick technique of taekwondokas.
Results and conclusions. The application of the sets of special exercises and tasks focused on the targeted development to eliminate motor asymmetry, which were performed under certain conditions, helped identify statistically significant differences between the Control and Experimental Group taekwondokas. The greatest differences were found in the spatial movement parameters and functional asymmetry rates (Romberg’s test - right leg; functional asymmetry coefficient). We identified changes in the kinematic indicators in the movement amplitude, speed, temporal parameters, and parameters that add up the measurements. There were statistically significant differences in the special physical fitness rates of the Experimental Group taekwondokas compared to the Control Group (downward kick performed with the left leg for 10 sec; front kick performed with the left leg for 10 sec; side kick performed with the left leg for 10 sec; p<0.05). The smallest differences were detected in the general physical fitness rates (60 m run; standing long jump, etc.). There were significant differences in the results of the following tests: standing bends forward and left leg pistol squats. Such conditioning tests as pull-ups, 1 km race, right leg pistol squats, had not found any significant differences (p>0.05).
The study showed that the kinematic changes in the kick performance technique of the 9-10 year-old taekwondokas led to a positive change in the number of kicks by the non-dominant leg, which proved the symmetry-asymmetry factors need to be taken into account in the initial training of young athletes.

Keywords: taekwondo, kick performance technique, motor asymmetry, functional asymmetry, symmetry-asymmetry.


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