Pre-season special physical and technical training model for ski racing elite


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Onuchin3
PhD, Associate Professor I.S. Moskalenko1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Volskiy4
PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Ivashchenko2
PhD, Associate Professor K.M. Komissarchik2
1Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg
3Saint Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television, Saint Petersburg
4Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a new special physical and technical training model for the ski racing elite applicable in snowless training period.
Methods and structure of the study. We offered a set of special exercises mimicking the core roller skiing technique of special benefits for the technical and physical training of the ski racing elite [2-5], particularly in the snowless season. We have also analyzed some factors of special influence on the ski stride cycle speed with a special attention to the movement structure transformations with progress in the skiing techniques customizable to the track conditions. The new special physical and technical training model testing experiment was run in April to January, with the Reference Group trained traditionally and the Experimental Group trained under the special physical and technical training model with its micro-cycles. Special physical fitness tests were based on a biomechanical analysis of the snow and snowless roller skiing techniques. As was demonstrated by our prior studies, the snow technique imitation practices tend to mimic the skiing movements in general terms being largely different in the internal technical specifics. In practical tradition, they are used to improve the skiing techniques and athlete’s functionality.
Results and conclusion. The snow skiing technique imitation practices tend to simulate the skiing movements in general terms being largely different in the internal technical specifics. In practical tradition, they are used to improve the skiing techniques and athlete’s functionality. Our study of the ski racing technique biomechanics showed benefits of the new special physical and technical training model with micro-cycled workload management elements and roller skiing trainings in the snowless period, with a special emphasis at the precompetitive stage. The model was tested beneficial by the Experimental Group versus Reference Group progress tests on the whole and classic diagonal stride / kick double poling harmony rating tests in particular.

Keywords: special physical and technical training, ski racing elite, mid-seasonal/ snowless training, classic diagonal stride, kick double poling stride, movement harmony ratio.


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