International military sports council (cism) and its role in military sports movemen


PhD, Professor A.V. Zykov2
PhD O.S. Botsman1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.G. Dmitriev1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Shchegolev1
1Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
2Physical Training and Sports Department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Objective of the study was to determine the role and importance of the International Military Sports Council (CIMS) in the development and strengthening of the modern military sports movement.
Methods and structure of the study. The research methods included analysis and generalization of documents, publications, and scientific research revealing the characteristics and role of the International Military Sports Council in the development and strengthening of the modern military sports movement.
Results and discussion. The study found that the International Military Sports Council or Conseil International du Sport Militaire (CISM) is the world’s largest military sports organization founded in 1948 at the initiative of Denmark, France, Luxembourg, and Holland. It currently has 135 member countries. CISM holds various global military sports events, including the Military World Games.
The leading policy of CISM is to promote military sports. To ensure that the military games do not duplicate the Olympic Games, CISM continuously cooperates with various partner organizations and sponsors that promote military sports. In addition, more than 20 world championships are held every year and every four years Military World Winter and Summer Games are held for military personnel.
The analysis of the issue shows that the International Military Sports Council (CISM) plays a leading role in the strengthening of the modern military sports movement. Its impact on the development of physical training and sports in the Russian Army and Navy is reflected in the improved mass sports performance among various categories of military personnel, in the strengthening of friendly ties between the armies of the countries in the world community, in the growth of sports achievements of army athletes, as well as in the increase of Russia’s prestige in the international sports arena.

Keywords: International Military Sports Council, modern military sports movement, prospects for development and strengthening.


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