Visual-figural modeling as students’ sports motor skills building method


PhD, Associate Professor K.P. Bakeshin
Bobkov Saint Petersburg Branch of the State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Customs Academy", St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to develop the sports motor skills building methodology for civil engineering university students using visual-figural modeling and evaluate its effectiveness.
Methods and structure of the study. The pilot study was carried out from 2018 through 2019. It involved two equivalent groups of civil engineering university first-year students: Control Group and Experimental Group, 20 subjects each. The Experimental Group students were trained by the author’s methodology. When considering the visual-figural modeling of built motor skills as a phased process of formation of mental actions and theoretical substantiation of the educational experiment designed to train civil engineering university students through visual-figural modeling, we identified individual related missions, means and methods of pedagogical intervention at each stage of development of the visual-figural model.
Results and conclusions. In the course of the experiment, the authors reveal the motor skills training method through visual-figural modeling based on the regulation of the activity of the visual and motor analyzers with the predominant regulatory role of the second signal system. We determined the visual-figural model application conditions as a method of motor skills training: optimal representation of the method of execution of motor actions, conception of its structural-descriptive system, including motor muscle sensations in combination with motor activities characterizing the visual-figural model; maintaining synchronicity between the figurative rhythm of the motor units and its objectively reproducible rhythm during motor activity; the large cerebral cortex should be free from activities that do not correspond to the training technique in this particular motor skill; ensuring a positive emotional state of the trainees and motivating them for mastering the specified motor skills.
The analysis of the data obtained revealed a significant improvement in the overall physical fitness rates in the Experimental Group and positive dynamics in the technical and tactical training of civil engineering university students.

Keywords: visual-figural model, training, civil engineering university student, motor skills, boxing.


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