Gymnastics-based personalization of physical education and sports classes in higher educational institutions


PhD, Associate Professor J.V. Korichko1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to develop a gymnastics-based technology of personalization of the female students’ physical training process based on their morphofunctional indicators, physical fitness rates, and motives for physical education and sports and evaluate its effectiveness.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 104 female university students majoring in elective physical education and sports disciplines: gymnastics, aerobics, dancing, and for comparison – sports games. The testing of the fat component rate and body mass index of the female students engaged in the gymnastics training practices revealed those with underweight and overweight.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the girls’ motivation for physical education and sports practices revealed their little participation in physical education and sports activities that implied competition and high need for physical self-improvement.
Based on the results of preliminary studies, we developed the gymnastics-based technology of personalization of the physical training process for female university students majoring in elective physical education and sports disciplines, including targeted, diagnostic, educational, and high-performance-oriented components. The developed technology proved its efficiency in the increased physical fitness level, expanded functionality of the female students, and their conscious use of health-improvement technologies in their daily life.

Keywords: elective discipline, gymnastics, body component composition, self-improvement, girls.


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