Emotional reactions to and motives of university students for GTO tests performance


PhD, Associate Professor A.R. Galeev1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to evaluate emotional reactions to and motives of university students for GTO tests performance.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 47 male and 79 female students of Novosibirsk State University, who had registered for participation in the Russian Physical Culture and Sport Complex "Ready for Labour and Defense" GTO.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the university students’ emotional reactions to the participation in the GTO Complex tests revealed the heterogeneity of the entry list: positive emotions were noted in 48% of those registered, negative - in 52%. Among the motives for participating in the sports event were: their desire to test own strength, to get a good mark in the physical education discipline; fear of consequences on the part of the faculty’s leadership. The motives were different in the groups of students with different emotions. The importance of pre-arranged training and participation of close people increased the motivation for participation in the GTO Complex tests. The students’ unwillingness to push their way out of the comfort zone, the lack of motivation, and insufficient physical fitness level were those barriers that prevented young people from participating in such activities. The male students who showed negative emotions at the event were found to be less prepared for the GTO tests. The study brought up to date the need to search for ways to increase the attractiveness of such sports events for young students, as they imply individual competition with themselves.

Keywords: emotions, motivation, Russian Physical Culture and Sport Complex "Ready for Labour and Defense" GTO, students, competition, physical fitness.


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