Building students’ physical fitness rating design skills


PhD, Professor A.V. Karavan1
Dr. Hab., Professor R.M. Kadyrov1
1Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to build students’ physical fitness rating design skills.
Methods and structure of the study. The pilot testing of the effectiveness of the process of building students’ physical fitness rating design skills was carried out in three stages.
At the first – guiding – stage, the Experimental Group (n=23) and Control Group (n=21) were formed. At this stage were as follows: students were directed towards building the skills of detecting and formulating physical fitness monitoring-related problems and involved in the diagnostics of their physical fitness level. At the first stage, the "theory – practice – theory" scheme was used, when the problem of implementing the design process was solved. The peculiarity of directing the students towards studying the design by the "theory – practice – theory" scheme was that they were offered the problem of pedagogical rating. At the second – formative – stage the students were to master the rating methods. At the third – integrating – stage the results of the students’ physical fitness rating design skills building process were assessed.
Results and conclusions. The experimental methodology for building the physical fitness rating design skills was based on the development by the students of various testing complexes by integrating the theoretical and practice-oriented methodical task and its transition to the system of meaningful practical actions. These complexes were tested on 5-7 individuals. The testing person kept track of the strength exercises execution.
The design skills of a substantial number of the Experimental Group subjects (more than 70%) were proved to be high and relatively high. The authors note that these conditionally differentiated levels prove the effectiveness of the physical fitness rating design teaching process.

Keywords: rating, physical fitness, design.


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