Supplementary educational program to build technological competency in future physical education teachers


N.A. Parshina1
PhD, Associate Professor S.N. Gorshenina1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev, Saransk

Objective of the study was to identify the potentials of supplementary educational programs in building the technological competency in future physical education teachers.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of the Scientific Practical Center of Physical Culture and Wellness and involved the graduate students majoring in Pedagogical Education (44.03.01), Physical Education specialization (n=118). The objectivity of the experiment was determined using the criterial and diagnostic toolset making it possible to determine the technological competency level in future physical education teachers. As part of the study, we developed and implemented the supplementary educational program "Health and Fitness Activity Technologies" in the educational process of Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. The total credit value of the program is 24 hours. The supplementary educational program is geared to build knowledge and skills in the sphere of technological support of health and fitness activities.
Results and conclusions. The supplementary educational program consists of two modules. Module 1 – "Theoretical foundations of health and fitness technologies" – is presented by the theoretical material, which is studied at lectures. Module 2 – "Theoretical foundations of health and fitness activities" – consists in the formation of the activity component of the technological competency of future physical education teachers during training sessions.
Upon mastering the supplementary educational program "Health and Fitness Activity Technologies", the authors conducted a reflective analysis and assessed the technological competency level in the would-be physical education teachers. The findings showed that the introduction of the supplementary educational program helps improve the competences built in future physical education teachers and expand the knowledge, skills and work methods in the field of health and fitness activities.

Keywords: technological competency, future physical education teacher, supplementary education, supplementary educational program.


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