Professional pedagogical self-awareness of students of physical education department in value orientation structure


PhD, Professor M.V. Antonova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Akamov1
PhD E.E. Afonina1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev, Saransk

Objective of the study was to determine the specifics of value-based formation of professional pedagogical self-awareness of students of the Physical Education Department.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev and in two interrelated phases. A total of 53 students were involved in the study: 32 students of the 3rd and 21 students of the 4th years of study majoring in Pedagogical Education (44.03.05), Physical Education and Health and Safety specializations. In the context of studying the process of formation of professional pedagogical self-awareness in students of the Physical Education Department, the following methodologies, adapted for application at the department, were applied: M. Rokeach Value System Survey, assessment of the level of formation of professional self-awareness through the analysis of its basic components by students.
Results and conclusions. The findings showed that the concept of professional pedagogical self-awareness is related not only to the professional self-awareness but also to the change in the students’ motivational value attitude to the educational and professional activities, increased level of development of the educational and professional, professional self-awareness, adequate professional training, and awareness of possible prospects for pedagogical activity. The authors prioritize the value-based orientations of students, as they may contribute not only to the value change but also to the achievement of educational goals that give more value the teaching methods and contents of university disciplines.

Keywords: formation, self-awareness, professional and pedagogical self-awareness, student, Physical Education Department, values.


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