Institutional transformation of master’s degree in physical education and sports


PhD, Associate Professor E.Ya. Mikhailova1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.G. Zakrevskaya1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor E.V. Utisheva1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor R.N. Apoyko1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify trends in the development of the Master’s degree program within the structure of vocational education in the physical education and sport sector.
Results and conclusions. The authors note that the change in the role of the Master’s degree in the educational process structure is due to the labor market which ensures an increasing social demand for specialist training in the physical culture and sports sector.
There is a positive trend towards an increase in the demand for masters in physical education and sports in mature age, which is driven by the conscious desire of students to acquire a new profession, have the choice and opportunity to realize their potential. This testifies to the social and academic mobility of the population.
Another positive trend, in the authors' opinion, is that the Master’s degree program, if its function is maintained, including training of research instructors, can bring in professionals of various backgrounds (basic education). Thus, the axiology of elite sports as a modern cultural phenomenon and medical support of sports activities are among the most problematic issues. In this view, there is a need to conduct a scientific analysis in the field of anthropology, philosophy, legal power and many other problems of the interdisciplinary nature. It is obvious that such a wide range of issues requires attention to sport science from educated specialists with different basic education - doctors, lawyers, mathematicians, philosophers, sociologists, especially those with sports experience and a conscious desire to work in the physical educatio and sports sector.

Keywords: Master’s degree program within multi-level education system, academic mobility, occupational mobility, vocational education in physical education and sport sector, specialist training.


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