Practical training model for physical education teachers for social interaction skills building in 9-12 year-olds


P.S. Borodulin1
Dr. Hab., Professor T.I. Shukshina1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Neyasova1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev, Saransk

Keywords: social interaction skills, tweens, practical training model, extracurricular health sports service, physical education teacher.

Background. The national educational system gives a special priority to practical training models to make a future physical education teacher highly fit for the social interaction skills building in 9-12 year olds (tweens). It should be emphasized that the traditional physical education teacher training curricula at pedagogical universities give the knowledgebase, skills and practical experience still limited and not always meeting the growing social demand [5]. In this context, as recommended by the provisions and concepts by V.A. Guruzhapov, S.I. Desnenko, I.A. Krutova, A.A. Margolis, T.I. Shukshina, F.G. Yalalov et al., we believe that the modern academic practical training models shall offer new training technologies and methodologies with an emphasis on the professional service simulation and immersion tools to facilitate progress of the future physical education teacher in the teaching knowledge, skills and experience in every service domain [1, 3-5].

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a new practical training model for the future physical education teacher to make them fit for the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service for the 9-12 year-olds.

Methods and structure of the study. The first stage of the study was designed to analyze the subject and the relevant key theoretical and practical provisions and outline the research concept. And the second stage was intended to work out a new additional practical training model for physical education teacher to train them for the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service to the 9-12 year-olds. We sampled for the study run at the Physical Education Theory, Practice and Healthy Lifestyle Center [2] 45 students majoring in 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education discipline and specialized in physical education service.

Results and discussion. Based on the above provisions, we developed and piloted a 36-hour additional practical training model for physical education teacher to train them for the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service to the 9-12 year-olds. The model was piloted at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute and General Education Schools № 40, 10 and 11 in Saransk. The new model set the following goals: master basics of the age-specific social interaction skills for the age group; master the modern social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service for the age group; and master basics of the social interaction skills progress tests applicable in the trainings.

The social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service model includes the following two modules. Module 1 is designed to help the future physical education teacher master the social interaction skills theory for the age group on a competency-based basis, with the key notions and fundamentals – including the knowledge about the age specifics needed to be taken into account in the social interaction skills formation process; and the key professional and personal qualities of the physical education teacher for success in this teaching service. And Module 2 prioritizes practical training of the future physical education teacher at general education establishments. The physical education teacher is expected to practically master the basic social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service methods, techniques and tools. A special priority in the trainings is given to the methods to spur up the students motivations for the extracurricular health service and their interests in sports and social interaction skills; facilitate the teamwork; provide the personal role model to the students; and encourage their motivations for team health sports and school/ municipal and other competitions.

The model gives a special attention to the group health sports practices to facilitate the social interaction skills formation process, with the future physical education teacher learning the basic social interaction skills-forming extracurricular health sports service approaches and design principles and testing progress of the students in different health sports events: festivals, health days, joint trekking tours, group discussions, active games, sporting projects, etc.; with a special focus on the family contributions to and encouragements for extracurricular health sports service activity.

Trainings in the standard curriculum are complemented by the self-reliant practical trainings geared to: form the individual files/ portfolio of the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service aids and materials (lectures, practical guidelines, video presentations) with an emphasis on developing motivations for social interaction skills in students; and social interaction skills progress testing and analyzing case studies to facilitate the practical service.

Upon the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service piloting experiment, we run some of the post-experimental tests in the form of defenses of theses by the trainees in the optional education subjects/ projects. Most successful were the following projects: "The Enchanted Castle" health sports game; "We Choose a Healthy Lifestyle" role game, etc.; with every health sports project later on tested in the practical teaching service. The social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service piloting experiment was also finalized by a reflection analysis and future physical education teacher knowledge and skills tests. The future physical education teacher mastery in the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service technologies was tested in the following aspects: core values and motivations for the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service (with the physical education teacher expected to realize the importance and opportunities of the healthy lifestyle technologies for the students); cognitive resource (practical knowledge in the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service technologies); experience and performance (reproducibility and application feasibility); reflexive assessment skills, including mastery in the social interaction skills progress rating test systems, etc. The post-experimental tests rated 75.5% of the sample highly skilled in the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service technologies – that verifies practical benefits of the new training model.

Conclusion. The new social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service model for the 9-12 year-olds was tested beneficial as it facilitates the future physical education teacher progress in this modern professional service domain and effectively complements the standard curricula in the social interaction skills formation aspects.

The study was sponsored by the Russian Fundamental Research Foundation under Project №18-013-01084


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Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a new practical training model for the future physical education teacher to make them fit for the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service for the 9-12 year-olds.

Methods and structure of the study. The first stage of the study was designed to analyze the subject and the relevant key theoretical and practical provisions and outline the research concept. And the second stage was intended to work out a new additional practical training model for physical education teacher to train them for the social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service to the 9-12 year-olds. We sampled for the study run at the Physical Education Theory, Practice and Healthy Lifestyle Center [2] 45 students majoring in 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education discipline and specialized in physical education service.

Results and conclusions. The new social interaction skills forming extracurricular health sports service model for the 9-12 year-olds was tested beneficial as it facilitates the future physical education teacher progress in this modern professional service domain and effectively complements the standard curricula in the social interaction skills formation aspects.