Sportization as key progress factor for modern mass sports


L.I. Lubysheva1
Dr.Hab., Professor  Sh.Z. Khubbiev1
PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Vakhnin2
D.B. Selyukin2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: sportization, sports training, mass sports, population, potential, personality progress agenda, physical education and sports, physical development, physical fitness, GTO Complex.

Background. The ongoing physical education service sportization initiatives taken in every social sector are designed to respond to the growing popularity of sports in society. Sportization viewed as synonymic to a degree to the ancient Greek agonistics can facilitate the efforts to cultivate competitive spirit and culture and promote the modern sporting values. Of particular importance in this context is the youth physical education advancement idea by V.K. Bal’sevich, a prominent national researcher in the physical education and sport sector, who argued that modern sport technologies and competitive models need to be actively promoted for progress of sporting culture in the education system [1].

Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical basis for sportization as a key progress factor for modern mass sports.

Results and discussion. Sportization in the theoretical and practical aspects basically refers to the children, youth and adult physical education advancement concepts, with the sportization projects generally geared to implement developments of modern physical education theory and practice with modern technologies in the physical education service. For the sportization projects being efficient, they are recommended being designed on the following institutional and methodological principles [7]:

Conversion principle for the physical education service efficiency, with the sports trainings effectively adapted to the mass sports culture and environment.

Personality progress harmonization principle that implies only such innovative technologies being accepted that facilitate the personality progress in the physical education and sport domain based on the modern physical education and sport values with respect to the individual predispositions, gifts, health agendas, needs, interests and the background and target physical development and physical fitness levels. In other words, the physical education service improvement initiatives shall be customized to the trainees’ backgrounds, sporting cultures and progress needs.

Social sensitivity and tolerance resource accumulation principle, that implies that the physical education and sport values growing and sporting culture building efforts are most effective in small teams, with every teammate responsible for the team progress and the team responsible for the individual progress, with such mutual responsibility geared to facilitate formation of competitive and cooperative behavioral standards for the collective and individual progress goals. The physical education service sportization process may be interpreted as the active socialization tool that facilitates harmonic social activity and favors fair and descent attitudes to wins and losses on the way to the top competitive accomplishments.

• And the freedom of choice principle that implies every individual being free in the physical education and sport service and progress path selection, with the training systems being customized to the actual physical fitness and progress needs met by the modern training technologies in compliance with the national physical education and sport policies and humanistic values [7].

Sportsization technologies will make a special emphasis not only on the sport qualifications, titles and records as such but also on the mass sports popularization aspects to help people fully mobilize their individual resources and adaptabilities for a fully-fledged life, good living standards and personality progress agendas. Popular physical education service sportization initiatives may be successful only when the physical education service personnel is well-trained as required by the valid standards; the physical education service is designed on a multiannual basis; and the relevant municipal mass sports training centers are established with assistance from the physical education and sport education institutions [4, 10].

A growing role in this process will be played by a Federal Mass Sports Training Standard to facilitate the national physical education and sport policies and local physical education and sport service advancement initiatives being synergized for success [8]. Sportization projects will be implemented in practice so as to go beyond the competitive culture only, to encourage every sporting individual in his/her resource mobilizing, self-exploration, multidimensional and harmonized progress and socializing agenda [6].

The mass physical education service sportization initiatives will facilitate the GTO Complex reinstatement projects in the local communities [2, 3]. It is important at the same time that the popular sportization initiatives are based on the local socio-psychological resource to effectively ‘indoctrinate’ the communities with the sporting values, sporting cultures, fair play/ competitive spirit, feel of unity, enthusiasm, creativity and patriotism. The sports-prioritizing initiatives may help improve the national gene pool in the adverse and diverse natural and social environments [5, 2, 9].

Sportization initiatives will be designed to fully satisfy the sporting needs of everyone based rather on a free choice than coercion with a special priority to motivational aspects of the physical education and sport service. It is important, however, that everyone should well understand his/ her rights, obligations and responsibilities in the individual, communal and national domains. Such sportization initiatives can offer windows of opportunities for the fully-fledged and meaningful life in the families and communities, with the sports trainings increasingly viewed as the key component of a healthy lifestyle and prerequisite for the self-fulfillment.

A technological foothold for the mass sportization initiatives may be provided by sports clubs and training centers in the educational system and municipalities with their formal (school administrations, teachers/ instructors, tutors, trainers, etc.) and informal (student/ trainees’ teams/ groups, parents and teachers, sponsors, endowment funds, etc.) structures.

Conclusion. The national physical education service sportivization initiatives are given a special priority nowadays, and their policies and practices need to be put on a fundamental basis. It is important to emphasize that the mass sportization projects may be beneficial only when they prioritize and synergize the universal humanitarian and individual values for the sporting spirit cultivation and physical education and sport progress goals.  


  1. Bal'sevich V.K. Sports vector of physical education in schools of Russia. Moscow: Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury i sporta publ., 2006, 112 p.
  2. Dementiev K.N., Mironova O.V., Tokareva A.V. Methods of training students to qualify for GTO tests. Fizicheskaya kultura, sport i zdorovye,2017, no. 29, pp. 14-17.
  3. Kostromin O.V., Zaitsev A.V., Bobrov I.V. Educational and managerial provisions for sportizated physical education in academic elective physical education and sport services. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. 2019. no. 4. pp. 31-33.
  4. Lubysheva L.I., Zagrevskaya A.I., Peredelskiy A.A. et al. Sportization in physical education system: from scientific ideas to innovative practice. Moscow: Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury i sporta publ., 2017, 200 p.
  5. Lubysheva L.I. Sportizated physical education methods: notional system expansion experience. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2019, no. 3, pp. 3-5.
  6. Panchenko I.A., Grigoryev V.I. GTO Complex as a basis for academic physical education efficiency improvement. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2017. no. 4.pp. 23-25.
  7. Rudenko G.V., Bolotin A.E. Organizational educational conditions needed to implement new GTO complex into physical education of Russian people. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2015, no. 7, pp. 97-99.
  8. Elmurzaev M.A., Kovalenko A.I. Social aspect of adaptation-recovery model of physical recreation. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. 2018. no. 4. Pp. 34-36.

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Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical basis for sportization as a key progress factor for modern mass sports.

Results and discussion. Sportization in the theoretical and practical aspects basically refers to the children, youth and adult physical education advancement concepts, with the sportization projects generally geared to implement developments of modern physical education theory and practice with modern technologies in the physical education service. For the sportization projects being efficient, they are recommended being designed on a number of institutional and methodological principles including conversion principle, personality progress harmonization principle, Social sensitivity and tolerance resource accumulation principle, freedom of choice principle.

Conclusion. The national physical education service sportization initiatives are given a special priority nowadays, and their policies and practices need to be put on a fundamental basis. It is important to emphasize that the mass sportization projects may be beneficial only when they prioritize and synergize the universal humanitarian and individual values for the sporting spirit cultivation and physical education and sport progress goals.