Local recreation infrastructure mobilizing popular physical education and mass sports progress models


Dr.Sc. Psych, Associate Professor B.B. Myakonkov1
Dr.Sc.Soc., Professor S.I. Rosenko1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Keywords: mass sports, progress model, recreation infrastructure, physical education and mass sports.

Background. As emphasized by the Federal Governmental Decree "On the Physical Education and Sports Development Federal Target Program of the Russian Federation for 2016–2020", the popular health, physical fitness and physical development standards deterioration problems faced by the nation in the post-Soviet period are largely due to the regular physical education and sports services being still inaccessible for many population groups. These problems will be solved by the physical education and sports infrastructure development projects with a special attention to the physical education and sports needs of the people with health disorders and disabilities [3] and special efforts to mobilize the existing recreational infrastructure across the Russian Federation for success of the physical education and sports initiatives. The study was intended to provide theoretical grounds for the recreation infrastructure mobilizing for the habitual popular physical education and mass sports service models customizable to the diverse climatic, historical, cultural, communal and economic specifics of every Russian region [1, 2].

Objective of the study was to develop a well-grounded popular physical education and mass sports service model mobilizing the local recreation (leisure zones, parks etc.) infrastructure.

Methods and structure of the study. We run for the purposes of the study a questionnaire survey of the regional/ municipal physical education and sports office managers to obtain data on how the local urban recreation infrastructure is being and may be used for the popular physical education and mass sports advancement purposes. The resultant data array covers 202 recreation infrastructure facilities in 18 constituents of the Russian Federation located in 4 climatic zones. The recreation infrastructure assets were classified by their locations into: (1) rural recreation infrastructure assets; (2) urban recreation infrastructure assets; (3) and urban household recreation infrastructure assets. The recreation infrastructure assets were further classified by their sizes, service capacities, actual demands, service personnel and financial performances to rate their operational efficiency. For the recreation-infrastructure -based physical education and mass sports model development purposes, we complemented the questionnaire survey data by the data reported by annual Federal Statistics Report Form No. 1-FC "Information about the physical education and sports assets” for the period of 2008 to 2018: Section II "physical education / health performance"; and Section III “Sports facilities" [3-5].

Results and discussion. We used the forecast values produced by extrapolating the physical education and sports evolution trend since 2008 till now to analyze the prospects and opportunities of every constituent of the Russian Federation in the efforts to attain the goals set by the "Sports – Life Norm" Federal Project [6]. As a result, the Russian Federation constituents were classified into the following three groups by their recreation infrastructure assets mobilization rates.

Group I (n = 28) unites the Russian Federation constituents amply-supplied with the physical education and mass sports service infrastructure including the available recreation infrastructure with parks and popular leisure time zones. The physical education and mass sports progress model for these regions shall give a special priority to the physical education and mass sports activation efforts in the local education system, housing areas and business districts, plus the healthy/ sporting lifestyles promotion initiatives in the local communities to lure the local residents into the physical education and mass sports system.

Group II (n=34) includes the Russian Federation constituents reasonably supplied with the physical education and mass sports service infrastructure including the available recreation infrastructure with parks and popular leisure time zones. The physical education and mass sports progress model for these regions shall give a special priority to the sports clubs networking efforts sensitive to the local physical education and sports interests/ domains, communal sports groups accessible within the walking distances, and special facilitating provisions for the individual physical education and sports practices – so as to step up the popular physical education and sports / health activity.

And Group III (n=23) includes the constituents of the Russian Federation undersupplied with the physical education and mass sports service infrastructure including the recreation infrastructure with parks and popular leisure time zones. These regions are recommended giving a special priority to the networks of outdoor sports grounds and physical education and sports facilities in the recreational/ park areas, so as to improve the usage efficiency of the available facilities; and to develop combined physical education and sports grounds including, e.g. zones with gymnastic apparatuses; training gyms; team sport courts; free-access areas for group practices etc. A special attention will be paid to the physical education and sports campaigning to lure the local residents to the elementary physical education and sports activity – that may be driven by team sports basics mastering group practices.

Conclusion. The popular physical education and sports initiatives are recommended to take full advantage of the available regional sports facilities and recreation infrastructure for success. The recreation-infrastructure-based physical education and mass sports progress models outlined herein are customizable to the regional specifics of the available recreation (parks, leisure facilities etc.) infrastructure, and may be beneficial for the regional initiatives to attain the physical education and sports sector progress goals set by the "Sports – Life Norm" Federal Project.


  1. Gavrilov D.N., Pukhov D.N. Problems of organizing domiciliary health and fitness activities. [Electronic resource] Orel State University Available at: http://oreluniver.ru/file/science/confs/2015/sport/publ/5_Gavrilov_Probl... (date of access:  12.09.2019).
  2. Myakonkov V.B., Verzilin D.N., Shelyakova Yu.V., et al. Estimating efficiency of using urban and recreational infrastructure for physical education and sports activities. Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2019. # 7 (173). pp. 137-141.
  3. Decree of the RF Government of 01.21.2015 No. 30 (as amended on 06/18/2019) “On the federal target program “Development of physical education and sports in the Russian Federation for 2016–2020”]. [Electronic resource] Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_174530 (date of access: 15.10.2019.).
  4. Order of the Russian Ministry of Sports No. 146 dated 02.16.2018 “On approval of the Methodological recommendations for establishing and operation of certain types of sports facilities”. [Electronic resource] Available at: https://www.minsport.gov.ru/2018/Prikaz146ot16022018.pdf(date of access:  12.04.2019.).
  5. Order of the Russian Ministry of Sports of No. 244 dated March 21, 2018 “On approval of the Methodological Recommendations on the application of standards and norms to determine needs of the subjects of the Russian Federation in physical education and sports”. [Electronic resource] Available at: http://legalacts.ru/doc/prikaz-minsporta-rossii-ot-21032018-n-244-ob-utv... (date of access:  12.07.2019).
  6. Rosstat Order No. 172 dated 03/27/2019 “On approval of the federal statistical observation form with instructions for filling it out for the organization of the federal statistical observation in the physical education and sport sector by the Russian Ministry of Sports. [Electronic resource] Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_321222/ (date of access:  07.09.2019).
  7. Tomeyan Zh.V. Study of sports infrastructure provided for the population of the Russian Federation. Siberian Federal University [Electronic resource] Available at: http://conf.sfu-kras.ru/sites/mn2013/thesis/s096/s096-022.pdf (date of access: 15.07.2019).

Corresponding author: 62sport@gmail.com


Objective of the study was to develop a well-grounded popular physical education and mass sports service model mobilizing the local recreation (leisure zones, parks etc.) infrastructure.

Methods and structure of the study. We run for the purposes of the study a questionnaire survey of the regional/ municipal physical education and sports office managers to obtain data on how the local urban recreation infrastructure is being and may be used for the popular physical education and mass sports advancement purposes. The resultant data array covers 202 recreation infrastructure facilities in 18 constituents of the Russian Federation located in 4 climatic zones. The recreation infrastructure assets were classified by their locations into: (1) rural recreation infrastructure assets; (2) urban recreation infrastructure assets; (3) and urban household recreation infrastructure assets. The recreation infrastructure assets were further classified by their sizes, service capacities, actual demands, service personnel and financial performances to rate their operational efficiency.

Results and conclusions. The popular physical education and sports initiatives are recommended to take full advantage of the available regional sports facilities and recreation infrastructure for success. The recreation-infrastructure-based physical education and mass sports progress models outlined herein are customizable to the regional specifics of the available recreation (parks, leisure facilities etc.) infrastructure, and may be beneficial for the regional initiatives to attain the physical education and sports sector progress goals set by the "Sports – Life Norm" Federal Project.