Effect of training work on body adaptive characteristics


Dr. Med., Professor A.L. Pokhachevsky1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor N.K. Golubeva1
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Petrov3
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Shuliko3
Dr. Med., Professor A.V. Kalinin3
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow
2Ryazan State Medical University of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ryazan
3Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: vegetative regulation, heart rate.

Introduction. The study of the relationship between the adaptive characteristics of the athletes ' body and the results of competitive activity will optimize the direction of sports training.
The aim of the study is to identify significant correlations (Spearman) of adaptive characteristics of the body of polyathlete athletes with control and test exercises.
Methodology and organization of the study. The functional state of athletes (39 people) was determined by frequency analysis of heart rate variability (CP) [1, 2].
The results of the study and their discussion. The result of the cross 3 km in clinostasis is associated with the prevailing level of total spectral power (TP, pNN50), mainly due to the decrease in low frequency (but not increase high-frequency) variability in CP. Orthostasis was associated with an increase in the Ewing index and high-frequency activity. Both clino-and orthostasis showed a significant relationship with the vegetative balance (LF/HF). However, in the first case, it is achieved by reducing the low – frequency activity of the SR, in the second-by increasing the high-frequency. Tests: "Flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor" and "pull-up from hanging on a high crossbar" are mediated by the same adaptive patterns as in cross-country, but with less variability of CP in General, as well as the presence of a negative relationship with the slow component (VLF) in orthostasis. The test "lifting the trunk from the supine position" is found to have a negative relationship with the power of the low-frequency and VLF components in the clinostasis. The "long jump from a place" test is mediated by a decrease in the overall variability of CP, the low-frequency component of clinostasis, and an increase in the Ewing index. Test "forward bend from a standing position" is characterized by the minimal correlation patterns in clinostasis negative relationship with total spectral power and high-frequency component, and positive – with low frequency.
Conclusion. Exercises that require the development of endurance are based on an increase in adaptive reserves mainly due to parasympathetic activity; the connection of power components, reducing the need for growth of adaptive reserves in General, is carried out by redistributing the vegetative balance towards parasympathetic dominance. The development of flexibility does not require specialization of vegetative variability at all. At the same time, the revealed specialization of the vegetative balance during training can serve as an indicator of the development of the studied physical qualities and probabilistically influence the result of a competitive exercise.


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Information for contacting the author: sport_med@list.ru