Physical education and health activity for stress management in conditions of limited life activity


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.S. Sadovnikov
Volgograd State University, Volgograd

Keywords: coronavirus pandemic, system of physical culture and health activities, stress, uncertainty, subject of health care.

Introduction. The current situation with a new coronavirus infection is characterized by a powerful impact on a person of various negative psychological factors, in particular, such as the fear of sudden death, illness, and an uncertain future.
The purpose of the study is to identify the capabilities of the system of physical culture and health activities as a tool for managing stress in conditions of life restriction.
The results of the study and their discussion. The peculiarity of human existence is building an image, a model of the future and drawing up a road map to achieve it. The state of uncertainty acts as a powerful stress factor that negatively affects this process. To resolve the uncertainty that has arisen, it is necessary to choose a highly motivated activity that would help overcome it. Physical culture and health activities (FOD) enhance the emotional experience of success and usefulness of classes. This is consistent with the principle of effective functioning of the FOD system "compliance of the regime of physical activity and behavioral restrictions with the size of the planned health effect", where the main condition for achieving well-being and health is the situation when additional, additional repression (the regime of loads and restrictions of a healthy lifestyle) should be justified by achieving a health effect. At the same time, it should be noted that both overly active and overly passive emotional and behavioral stress reactions that do not contribute to (or even interfere with) the removal of the stressor can be unfavorable for the subject.
Conclusion. The conditions of the pandemic make adjustments to the educational process of physical education in schools and universities and require the adaptation of the entire FOD system to the newly emerged conditions. The main goal in pandemic conditions – taking care of yourself and your health, so the focus of the physical education classes should be moved into the area of self-organisation of FOD, increasing to lectures and theoretical-methodological classes, where the emphasis is directed on studying of mechanisms of stress and control means FOD. Adaptation of physical activity to modern conditions coronavirus pandemic should be done by an expansion of the (idealized system) and incorporating in its structure the components reflect the analysis of the situation created by coronavirus pandemic (situational-adaptive component).


  1. Sadovnikov E. S. Principles of functioning of the system of physical culture and health activities / E. S. Sadovnikov // Theory and practice of physics. cultures. – 2019. – № 3. – 75 C.

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