Discus thrower’s strength abilities versus competitive exercise technique


PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Ushakova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Batyr1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Martyushev1
N.A. Ponomareva1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd

Keywords: discus throwers, technical training, physical fitness, physical qualities, strength abilities, speed.

Introduction. In discus throwing, as in any track and field throwing, there are basic conditions under which it is possible to influence the projectile with the greatest force.
The aim of the study is to determine the impact of force development on the technical readiness of discus throwers.
Research methods. The analysis of diaries of athletes, pedagogical supervision is carried out.
The results of the study and their discussion. The study and improvement of throw movements goes through the content of all training sessions in the form of technical training and special strength exercises.
The first contribute to the improvement of the form and rhythm of movements, the second-to the improvement of power qualities – "throwing power".
Summing up technical exercises consist of performing separate phases of throwing in different conditions, with different projectiles and even without. The most common of them should be considered options for performing the final part of the throwing-throw. To further improve the throw, in addition to the standard disc, weighted discs of normal size, discs from the rod (2.5–5 kg), cores (4-5 kg), stones (from 100 g to 1 kg), etc. are used. All weighted projectiles can be thrown indoors in winter, if there are places for the projectile to fall (mesh, sand pit).
Conclusions. Special exercises can be divided into groups based on their predominant effect on the muscles of the main parts of the body: 1) for the muscles involved in the reduction and extension of the arms; 2) for the muscles involved in the flexion, extension and rotation of the trunk; 3) for the muscles involved in the flexion, extension, rotation, reduction and extension of the legs. In the future, we will group special strength, speed-strength and technical summing exercises in a certain number, in order to get a number of training sessions specific to the preparation of discoballs, and determine the impact of strength-oriented exercises on the technique of performing a competitive exercise.


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Information for contacting the author: evgenevna72@mail.ru