Student physical activity depending on gender and age


PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Snigirev1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Malkov1
A.Yu. Nikolaev1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to determine the ratio of physical activity to the sedentary lifestyle of students of Surgut as opposed to students of the European Union.
Methods and structure of the study. The IPAQ questionnaire was used to define the domain-dependent levels of students’ physical activity depending on sex and age. Sampled for the study were 376 students (160 boys and 216 girls) of different years of study at Surgut State University.
Results of the study and conclusions. The total physical activity amounted to 1,804 MET-min/week for the boys and 1,707 MET-min/week for the girls. We detected the dependence of physical activity on the students’ age when working (p=0.0206), moving (p=0.0284), walking (p=0.0001), on the total physical activity (p=0.0086) and sedentary behavior (y=-3129+532x-11.49x2 at r=0.1479; p=0.0041). The subjects’ sedentary behavior was found to be dependent on the body mass index in the boys (y=-3283+425x-7.23x2, r=0.1578; p=0.0463) and in all students regardless of sex during the household chores (y=1153-46x+0.45x2, r=-0.1321; p=0.0103). The sedentary behavior rates in the Surgut students were significantly higher both on weekdays and weekends as compared to their peers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia. The sedentary behavior rates in the girls were higher than those in the boys on weekdays both in Surgut (p=0.0015) and in the EU (p=0.0000). Therefore, the level of physical activity was insufficient regardless of sex. There is a need for organizational measures to promote health-improving physical activities to a higher level while reducing sedentary behavior.

Keywords: physical activity, male and female students, sedentary behavior, IPAQ.


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