Exercises with weights to correct and prevent postural disorders in students


A.S. Egorov1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.G. Shilko1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to determine the benefits of exercises with weights for the prevention and correction of postural disorders in students.
Methods and structure of the study. The pilot experiment involved a group of 12 students of the National Research Tomsk State University with different and pronounced postural disorders (6 - with round-shouldered back, 6 - with lordosis).
The experiment was conducted in two stages - preparatory and main, which consisted of 4 mesocycles. Each mesocycle (about 4 weeks) consisted of 4 microcycles (1 week). The study was carried out in the form of training sessions. Two 90-minute sessions were held during the week, with a rest interval of 2-3 days. The training sessions were organized according to the classical scheme and consisted of 3 parts: preparatory (warm-up), main, and final (cooldown).
Results and discussion. It is shown that the main cause of postural disorders in the sagittal plane is the muscular imbalance arising from the uneven development of force between the flexor muscles and spine extensors, while postural disorders in the frontal plane are due to the asymmetric development of the muscles of the right and left sides of the core. The analysis of the test results showed that after the educational experiment, the positive changes in the students with the round-shouldered back and lordosis reached the normal limits (90-100%).

Keywords: exercises with weights, postural disorders, methodology, students.


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