Physical activity for longer and more quality life of mature people


Dr.Hab., Professor V.G. Shilko1
PhD, Associate Professor N.L. Guseva1
V.S. Kolpashnikova1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to identify factors that increase the motor activity of mature people through the use of physical exercises contributing to the life quality and expectancy improvement.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the study, we conducted a questionnaire survey (with a three-year horizon) on the basis of the Faculty of Physical Education of the National Research Tomsk State University. The study involved 2 groups of women ("younger" - 62-66 years and "senior" - 71-74 years), who were engaged in physical trainings twice a week for 1 h: "younger" group (n=20) - according to the developed program "Active longevity" - 1 training session in the hall and 1 - in the pool; "senior" group (n=15) - mainly swimming in the pool - 80% of total workload and 20% - conditioning exercises.
Results and conclusions. The questionnaire survey results indicated that one month before the study, the women of both age groups were characterized by the following physical activity indicators: 36.4% of the testees had an insufficient level of physical activity (hypodynamia), 45.5% - relatively insufficient, and only 18.1% - optimal for these age categories. In six months’ time of physical activities, regardless of age, the participants noted positive changes in the state of their health: 93.4% of women evaluated their health condition as "significantly better" and "slightly better" compared to that before the trainings, and only 6.6% estimated one as "slightly worse". At the same time, 64.3% of the respondents increased their walking speed from "low" to "medium", and 14.3% - to "high". About 85.3% of women opted for a mixed form of training (group and individual), while 70.5% considered the organized form of classes to be more effective than independent and expressed their desire to train under the guidance of an instructor or physical education teacher.
Therefore, the data obtained will help the organizers of the study in further adjusting and improving the developed physical training program for older people taking into account various factors: their interests and needs in physical activities, gender, age, health status, as well as their psychoemotional state and the level of physical fitness.

Keywords: mature people, ageing problem, motor activity, physical exercises.


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