Building professional competences in sports university students in sports diplomacy sphere


PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Ermilova1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.G. Zakrevskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Putyatova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.G. Maltseva1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine ways and means of formation of professional competency in the students majoring in international relations at the physical culture and sports university by means of "sports diplomacy".
Methods and structure of the study. In 2019, the Social Technologies and Mass Communications Department of Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health hosted a round table "Role of sports diplomacy in international relations" as part of the department’s research project with the participation of the bachelors and masters (n=42) in international relations, direction – "Role of physical culture and sports in international relations". The survey was aimed to estimate the level of the students’ knowledge about sports diplomacy as an effective tool of "soft power", a way to solve certain foreign policy problems that influence the creation of a positive image of the state.
Results and conclusions. The study found the following: sports diplomacy may play a significant role in the development of students’ professional competency, and their participation in sports mega-projects gives the possibility to apply this competency in practice. The case study revealed that, despite the considerable number of scientific works devoted to sports diplomacy, it was the first time that the task of considering its role in the formation of students’ professional competency was assigned. An important task that faces the teaching staff is to train specialists who would be capable of working in international sports organizations at different levels, expanding international sports and cultural contacts. The article examines the results of the survey conducted among the students of Lesgaft National State University.

Keywords: "soft power", "sports diplomacy", foreign affairs, humanitarian cooperation, international sports organizations.


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