Attitudes of university teachers to vocational training of future physical education specialists


Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.F. Radionova1
PhD S.V. Rivkina1
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify the attitudes of university teachers to the vocational training of future physical education specialists and, from this, propose possible ways of the value-based attitudes alignment.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out at the premises of the Institute of Physical Culture of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Sampled for the study were 27 teachers. To analyze their attitudes, we developed a program that offered 3 blocks of questions related to the identification of the teachers' perceptions of the students’ orientation towards professional pedagogical activities; identification of the teachers' priorities in the vocational training of future physical education specialists and its determinants; teachers’ evaluation of the content, methods, and forms of organization of the educational process at the university.
Results and conclusions. The findings indicated that the students and teachers agreed on a range of issues related to the vocational training of future physical education specialists and enabled to map several paths to the value-based alignment of their attitudes. These included the establishment of a system for studying the motives for admission to the pedagogical university and presentation of the data obtained to all teachers; discussions among the teachers and students at various stages of training of future physical education specialists on the current tasks of professional pedagogical activities, etc.

Keywords: professional pedagogical activities, vocational training at university, physical education teacher, content and organization of the educational process at university.


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