Kinesiological module «psychoemotional outbursts» and its effect on psychomotor fitness of racing skiers


Postgraduate student D.E. Golovko
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of the kinesiological module "Psychoemotional Outbursts" on the psychomotor fitness of junior racing skiers aged 11-13 years.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Additional Education "Children and Youth Sports School No. 1 of the Tomsk region". Sampled for the study were 40 young racing skiers aged 11-13 years, who were split into the Experimental and Control Groups, 20 people each. The following research methods were applied: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, Sports Psychophysiologist hardware and software complex for testing of the degree of manifestation of psychomotor abilities, educational experiment, mathematical statistics methods.
Results of the study and conclusions. In the course of the study, we developed and introduced into the educational and training process of the 11-13 year-old racing skiers of the kinesiological module "Psychoemotional Outbursts" aimed to develop their psychomotor abilities. The kinesiological module consisted of exercises requiring a quick motor action in response to the relevant signal of the coach (whistle, clap), which contributed to the development of an adequate response to external stimuli (stress resistance). It is shown that the kinesiological module exercises aimed to integrate the subjects’ mental qualities and motor abilities had a positive impact not only on the level of their psychomotor development but also on the results of their competitive activities.

Keywords: kinesiological module, psychomotor fitness, racing skiers, educational and training process.


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